Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle – Aquaforest


By far one of the easiest ways to dose balanced solutions calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium along with all other major and minor elements corals will need for health and vitality. The proportions are based on the Balling Method and can be dosed manually or through a dosing pump system.

Mg Plus


Concentrated liquid magnesium to help increase your tanks Mg level without increasing any other elements concentration.

Two Sizes Available:

  • 200 mL
  • 2000 mL

Calcium 850gm

  • An agent for maintaining constant calcium levels and pH adjustment in reef aquariums.
  • In sea water, the constant value of calcium is essential for the proper development of corals and coralline algae.
  • The recommended level of calcium in reef aquaria is 380-460 mg/l (ppm)


KH Buffer 1200 gm

  • Maintains constant carbonate hardness level
  • Dissolves quickly & easy to dose
  • Stabilizes water parameters
  • Crucial for corals health

Magnesium 750 gm

  • An agent for raising magnesium levels in reef aquariums.
  • Magnesium is essential for the proper development of corals.
  • Lowered magnesium level may cause inability to maintain proper calcium level and too low pH.
  • The recommended level of magnesium in reef aquaria is 1180-1460 mg/l (ppm).

Ca Plus – Aquaforest


Concentrated liquid Calcium to help increase your tanks Ca level without increasing any other elements concentration.

Two Sizes Available:

  • 150 mL
  • 2000 mL

kH Plus – Aquaforest


Concentrated liquid alkalinity solution to help increase your tanks dKH level without increasing any other elements concentration.

Two Sizes Available:

  • 150 mL
  • 2000 mL

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