Kalium Potassium


Kalium can be used with:

  • SPS corals
  • LPS Corals
  • Soft Corals
  • Clams & other filter feeders


Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle – Aquaforest


By far one of the easiest ways to dose balanced solutions calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium along with all other major and minor elements corals will need for health and vitality. The proportions are based on the Balling Method and can be dosed manually or through a dosing pump system.

Component B


Component B can be used with:

  • SPS corals
  • LPS Corals
  • Clams & other filter feeders

Reef Mineral Salt

  • An agent for maintaining constant levels of minerals in reef aquariums.
  • Using Reef Mineral Salt is one of the most important elements during supplementation of calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonate (i.e. Balling Method).
  • Lack of Reef Mineral Salt supplementation leads to dangerous minerals deficiency. Long-term shortages of micro and macronutrients result with excessive slowdown of growth and invalid, pale colouration of corals.

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