Mg Plus


Concentrated liquid magnesium to help increase your tanks Mg level without increasing any other elements concentration.

Two Sizes Available:

  • 200 mL
  • 2000 mL

AF Life Source 1000 ml


100% natural deposit derived from the cleanest waters of the Pacific – from Fiji. It is perfect as a buffer to enhance microbiology in saltwater aquariums. Biological stabilization is a crucial factor for corals health. Using the AF Life Source provides corals access to components and minerals derived from the natural environment. The product is …
Continue reading AF Life Source 1000 ml

Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle – Aquaforest


By far one of the easiest ways to dose balanced solutions calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium along with all other major and minor elements corals will need for health and vitality. The proportions are based on the Balling Method and can be dosed manually or through a dosing pump system.

Component 1+, 2+, 3+ Bundle


Component 1+, 2+, 3+ can be used with:

  • SPS corals
  • LPS Corals
  • Soft Corals
  • Clams & other filter feeders

Showing 25–28 of 28 results