AF Life Source


AF Life Source is engineered to buffer and enhance microbiological activity in saltwater aquariums. Adding AF Life Source to your reef tank will help stabilize the biological functions allowing corals to have access to components and minerals derived from the natural environment. AF Life Source is collected from some of the cleanest waters in the Pacific Ocean (Fiji) where corals thrive, containing necessary minerals.

Two Sizes Available:

  • 500 grams
  • 1000 grams

Life Bio Fil Medium


Aquaforests Life Bio Fil is a loose media that has a live bacteria ingredient, meaning that will immediately start to work and there is no waiting for the proliferation of bacteria. The bacteria chosen was designed to help speed up the process of nitrification allowing your tank to mature faster.

Life Bio Fil can be used with:

  • Saltwater
  • Freshwater

Maxspect Nano-Tech Anaerobic Blocks


Nano-Tech Anaerobic Blocks are the newest addition to Maxspect’s rapidly growing catalogue of medias for treatment of aquarium water. For thirty years we’ve seen a wide range of products come to market promising to offer anaerobic denitrification by simply creating a media with high surface area and a low degree of oxygenation but Maxspect’s Nano-Tech Anaerobic Blocks have a creative trick up their sleeve.

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